Thank you!!!! I will look it up.
Shamrock Half in March!
My current mileage for long runs is about 5/6 miles and regular runs are about 3miles which is my comfortable run length. I have a 7 mile coming up in a about 10 days. I’m using the Nikepro running program trainer.
Awesome thanx!!! I am open to trying out anything. I will have to look into this.
Congratulations and good luck!!!! :-)
Femme all the way
Amen! I follow a handful of "fitness pages" just so that I'm constantly reminded of my goals, and to inspire me to kick some butt in the gym. Sometimes when I'm having a lazy day, I will see something that gets my excited to go work out. Ehhhh so I guess no complaints about the "culture" of everyone posting pics of…