fitizengainz Member


  • Yeah I feel ya, at the end of the day you have to weigh the pro's and cons of some of the people you hang out with. What I've learned to do is take a break from some friends when I can and just chill. Maybe focus on myself or something of the sort
  • eventually when you reach your goal, she'll hopefully get inspired. If not, may be time to cut ties if all your conversations lead to the junk food dilemma
  • I know that feel bro. Except it's with a friend of mine who's bigger than me. Because I'm looking more aesthetic he always says "you should just eat mcdonald's if you're trying to gain the weight or you don't need to workout just try and gain some weight first while he drinks beers to his hearts content and gains that…
  • good on you buddy! you're going to make it :D
  • oh man that caught me on the heart strings. I'm going to lift extra hard tomorrow for you bro! good luck with the twins! :D
  • This sandwich has probably been what's kept me going for months on end. Really easy to prepare too. Peanut butter and chicken sandwich Ingredients: bread (any that you prefer) peanut butter (Personally I use 100% unsalted peanut butter but anything works to be honest) thin chicken breast slices (about two of them)…
  • Hey gais was always skinny during my childhood and highschool years finally decided to start bulking up while trying to keep the lean gains going started at about 136lbs around april and now at a steady 144lbs. Hoping to get some progress pics for you guys for my six month anniversary. about 6"2-6"3 and 20 yo