SwiitiPi Member


  • Dole makes these 100 cal packets of banana slices covered in dark chocolate. They rock!
  • Don't give up on yourself. Remember you can do anything!
  • How did everyone do last week with your first set of goals with the group? My goals last week were: 1.) Log every single day - CHECK 2.) Not miss a day of my videos - :( No check for this. 3.) Drink lots of water - Could have drank more but didn't stick it up. 4.) Not to weigh myself until my designated weigh in day. (This…
  • I'm in! I weigh in on Friday anyway! Today I was at 217. That is a pound gone and 8 pounds so far. I know I should be happy but I am kinda bummed that it isn't more. Haven't taken my measurements yet though.
  • That is a great way to look at it!
  • Great goals every one! But remember to not get down on yourself if you don't complete your goals.
  • I know it can be every disappointing not seeing any change for a while. I know my biggest problem is that I will be really into my journey for about 2 weeks then I get in my *kitten* it mode. I know that can be really hard to get out off. But I think I found something that really helps me. My background photo on my cell…
  • As of right now I am doing the Bikini Body Mommy Challenge on youtube. One video everyday day but Saturday. That's my day off because I work a double most Saturdays. The videos are anywhere from 8 minutes to 30. I also like to go to the gym and hop on the elliptical for an hour or so. Its a great way to catch up on some…
    in Work outs Comment by SwiitiPi June 2014
  • I'm old school. Love me some Snow White
  • My favorite park is EPCOT (Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow) My favorite ride the Expedition Everest: Legend of the Lost Mountain.
  • YAY! I have lost five pounds!
  • I know my first week of getting back in gear I ate healthy everything, went for long walks did the gym or a Blogilates video. I drank so much water but I gained five pounds. It pissed me off because my mom didn't do as much as me and lost 10. I found out later it was my hormones. My time of the month was coming. That might…
  • I like to weigh in on Friday morning. But I do think its a good idea.
  • - Name: Sami - Age: 23 -Start Weight: 221 - Goal Weight: 160 - Activity Level: I am currently doing the Bikini Body Mommy Challenge on Youtube. (I'm not a mommy yet) and I like to do the elliptical.
  • I would gladly add anyone on here to my friend list. I just ask that is we become friend promise to check up on me. Make me accountable and I will promise to do the same for you.
  • Hello everyone. My name is Sami and I am 23 years old. Standing at 5'2" and my last weight in was 221. I want to lose 40 pounds but after that I want to lose more. I have planned out my meal plan for the next three months. I almost typed diet. I don't want to use that word because once I say I'm on one, I'm off one. I also…
  • I would love to have a veggie garden but I live in an apartment complex and there is no where to even put pots. I live in a weird spot where the sun hardly ever hits.
  • I know it is not the best for the enviroment but my boyfriend and I buy like 5 cases of bottled water at a time. We don't drink soda and I do but juice but I only use it in my smoothies. I suggest and this has really helped me, I always take at least 3 bottles with me to work everyday. I keep it in plain sight and I get…
  • Have any of you tried insanity? I always see the infomerical and I really want to order it. I know that I am weak and I know it will kick my big bum but it looks like something that I could do after a while.
  • How long have you been on this site? Has it helped you at all?