

  • If you focus on heavy lifting and follow a good routine like Starting Strength, you can probably double your calories and still not gain much fat. Lift heavy stuff, eat enough, repeat! :)
  • Read up on dynamic warmup and hip mobility. If your hip mobility is not good enough, proper form is almost impossible. A lot of girls, and guys too, are having big issues with hip mobility and squat form. Always warm up, preferebly with dynamic warm ups, and do a lot of stretching every day. Add some foam rolling if you…
  • Squats are probably the ultimate exercise for building a tight and firm butt, but it requires you to lift heavy. Doing 15+ reps will not do much. To shape the body you need more muscle and less fat; to build more muscle you need to lift heavy. Start with a strength routine that focuses on heavy compound lifts. I recommend…
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