Hey, green tea speeds up metabolism so does help with weight loss , I drink nothing but green or herbal teas at home and i add nothing but hot water to it and if im out at a friends house i have boiled water if they dont have green tea . so keep with it :-)
Hey I run every otherday so my body has chance to recover inbetween i do kettle bell swings after iv bin for a run and squats n sits so i try and cram as much into my run days so i dont feel guilty about my rest days :-)
i have a pint of water every morning and just put it down as 1 glass ?? now im confused lol
you dont have to eat them! to sucsessfully lose weight you should burn more calories than you eat thats how i look at it otherwise your just goin to maintain the weight your at ! x
hey im 27 and just over 5ft im trying to lose a stone to a stone and a half :smile: