

  • I'm addicted to certain things. I'm really a pizza, french fries lover. They are my downfall when dieting!!! Try my best not to be around them, becasue I know I'm going to cave.
  • I'm from Wurtland, KY, Go Wildcats!!!
  • Thanks, I hadn't really thought much about what I was eating as long as I stayed within my range. But, the moring when I got on the scales I had gained almost a pound. So, I figured I was doing something wrong!! I will keep a better check on what I eat now. I am really dreading the holidays!!
  • Hi, I started 1200 a week ago and have lost a few pounds. I have never done a "Count Your Calories" diet before. I was wondering, does it matter what you eat as long as you stick to the calories alotted. I work and ususally eat out for lunch which means alot of sandwiches. When I went over my diary this morning, I'm not…