kishstl Member


  • Why not use bodyfat percentage as your guide vs. bodyweight. Bodyweight is great if you want to know how much gravitational force is directed at the mass of your body but tells you nothing of the composition of that mass. A previous poster is correct that in a calorie deficit you are using most of your dietary intake of…
  • Those are all good points, also check your nutrient levels for the days following your run and make sure that you're replenishing your body, especially in the protein area. Long runs (or any type of strenuous activity) break down small fibers in the muscle tissue and need to be repaired. Sometimes in our quest to be lean…
  • Feel free to contact me if you like and I would be happy to help you put together a routine. there are certain things to take into consideration before recommending a routine. (medical limitations, type of facility you'll be using, nutrition, supplementation,etc.)
  • Muscle "confusion" is probably not the correct term. The theory applies more to those trying to build muscle on an advanced level. A muscle group (and your body) will adapt to a given stressor and without an increase in the workload put on the muscle it will plateau so to speak. Increasing the resistance i.e. doing more…
  • Shhhhh. Please let Darwin work.
  • Darwin at work here.
  • Unbelievable! Big Time Congrats As a member of a family with a long, damaging and deadly history of diabetes rest assured you've just added several years to your life. (and healthier ones at that!)
  • The value of bodyfat measurements in a real world application are to help someone track their physiology changes throughout a fitness regimen. So the validity or even accuracy of the measurements are, in some respects, secondary to the precision at which you can measure them to accurately track your body changes. i.e.…
  • The most common reason for that noise in the Tribute, Mariner and Escape models of that age are going to be the ball joints or the OE plastic bushing in the sway bar wearing out. It is a greaseless design prone to rust and excessive noise.