

  • I also recommend the Laughing Cow cheese wedges- lots of favors, very creamy & only 35 cal/wedge. Also hungry girl.com has lots of recipes using these. This is also a great daily e-newsletter with lots of healthy food options. Free too!
  • Yaaaaay! Congratulations! Shows a lot of hard work. You are an inspiration!
  • Hi all - I know I'm starting a tad late, but I'll join you guys on the 5 days a week. This morning I did 30 min on the treadmill (speed of between 5 and 6) and then this cool snowboard conditioning workout I found on YouTube. My dogs do the same thing with muddy paws. Glad I'm not the only one. They're worth it though.…
  • I always take some workout gear and running/walking shoes with me on vacation. They don't take much room and you can always find places to walk or generally a treadmill at a hotel. As I don't always run, like I do at home, I just walk longer (an hour vs 1/2 hour). I have to get u earlier than everyone else, but it's worth…
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