golfchicken Member


  • I am also looking for motivation buddies! Please add me and everyone else, the more motivator's the better! :) Would love to make new friends and help motivate in this weight loss journey!
  • Hi. I would love to add you as well. I would love to add everyone who is looking for a friend to go on this weight loss journey with! I am looking to loose 100 pounds, but have only lost about 6 total so far. I would love to have the extra motivation to help me and hopefully, I could help to motivate you as well! :)
  • Hi! I would love to add you! I am in a similar boat with you. After a stressful job and poor eating habits, I am at my all time heaviest. I used to be a college athlete and want to get back to being active and healthy. I need all of the motivation that I can get and I hope that I would be able to help others get motivated…
  • I'm also looking for more friends to keep me motivated....heaven knows, I need all the motivation I can get! Would love to add more people to help me stay motivated and hopefully, keep others motivated as well!