lovejoydiva Member


  • The same thing was happening to me! But I used to indulge on the weekends. Eating and drinking is my thing that I LOVE to do! So now that I am on MFP, I log in everything plus I usually get a workout in on I can eat more. But if I don't plan to workout I know that I have to eat right during the day if I am…
  • Me and my bestfriend laugh about how we can tell if she was happy or sad by looking at pictures. When she is depressed she gets really skinny, but when she is in a new relationship and very happy, she gets plump. So I guess it's the same for everyone when we are in love!
  • I have always been fat. All my life! I was always taught (as many black kids are) to eat everything on your plate. So I have no problem with snacking, thats not my issue. My issue is just plain good ole food! I have come to realize that everything I do revolve around food. I'm not having a BLAST unless I am eating and…
  • I'm losing about a pound a week. Sometimes I think that more should be coming off too but I realize that it took a while to gain all of this weight and it's gonna take a while to come off.
  • My Goal is to lose a whopping 100lbs!