

  • I really wish the government would get wise to the fats. You are sooo correct. They are our friend. Thanks for keeping us on track!
  • Pateaus are tough. Keep working it and you will be there before you know it. I hit a plateau once a month! LOL I keep working it through. The pounds aren't falling off like before. It's now a slower pace ... more like a trickle ... so I uppped my exercise and am trying different forms of exercise in order to keep moving.…
  • It's all about balance. There are days where I O.D. on protein and it doesn't hurt me. I just try to be conscience of balancing some green veggies, salads with the protein. If you take fiber and greens completely out, you will hit a plateau. Protein is definately good. I am reminded of the Cave Man days when they didn't…
  • Sounding more like Zumba, Just Dance and HR monitor here I come. Love your survey results! I might just have to resort to battling him in the boxing ring. I think my hubby is noticing my loss results and is secretly enjoying it ... and the little battle he instigates keeps me going. HA!
  • Wii Zumba -- that sounds like fun! I'm going to have to get that!
  • WOW! Fabulous input. Appreciate all responses. I definately feel my heart rate increasing when I play. I've broken out into a sweat a few times too. To be safe on calorie count, I usually do about 2 hours but record just 1 hours worth or 30 mins for an hours worth, etc. When it's not my turn (I play with my 5 yrold) I…