

  • Good morning ladies.. I had a very good check in at the doctors office yesterday. My blood pressure has come down to "normal" range & I have dropped 6 lbs since my last visit in Dec. This has given me more motivation to keep on track than I thought it was going too. My goal for Jan is to lose another 6+ lbs. My sister has…
  • I am in. For next 2 wks I will be away from a computer so will not be able to post daily. I will keep a journal so when get back to civilization, computer, will post. Since I am just starting I will be happy to get 10,000 steps every 3 days.
  • This is what I need to satisfy the sweet tooth craving. By making this I will not be tempted with the rest of the cake sitting on the cupboard. Thanks for the info!:happy:
  • my goals for Dec is to walk 2 miles at least 5 times a week and to drop 5 lbs this month. I know I have a lot further to go but this is my first baby steps.:smile: