kagome84 Member


  • HI all! Sorry I couldn't post this past week, I was on vacation and my phone doesn't have the community section! Glad to see that everyone did well though! Congratulations to Patmuffintop! Most weight lost of anyone in the challenge for the week! Awesome job!!! Keep shedding the pounds everyone!
  • Hi everyone! It's been exactly one week since we started the challenge! Four more weeks to go! ***Please make sure you weigh in today!!! *** If anyone is still having trouble posting to the google doc., let me know and I'd be happy to put any info in for you! So far I see that everyone's numbers are going down and everyone…
  • Welcome to day three! I hope everyone is doing well and sticking to your guns! There's a step challenge posted on the main page if anyone wants a little extra competition on the side. Exercising quote of the day: "It never gets easier. You just get better." Good Luck today! **Thanks Pat for the workout site. I love all the…
  • I joined the site and went to the link....but there's nothing to click on that sends a request to join (or am I missing it?). Help!
  • Hi everyone! My name is Jamie and I'm 29 years old! I live in Ohio with my husband and two Welsh Corgies. I used to be a steady 145, but then I went to graduate school while I was working (on 3 separate occasions) and I found myself always eating out since I was never home. I've lost about 20 pounds so far, but I've gotten…