

  • I quit 7 days ago using a personal vaporizer. I smoked for 18 years and it saved my life. We as smokers usually have the hardest time with the fact that we enjoy that feeling of smoke hitting our throats and lungs...a PV gives you that sensation without any toxic chemicals...and for the critics, there are liquids out there…
  • I see this is an older post but just reading some of these comments I must add my 0.02..particularly with the last 2 comments...First, its not wise to comment on a subject you have little knowledge on...particularly like jam and deez..Vaping is not smoking..the definition of smoking is intake of tobacco products which…
  • Some advice from a guy gamer....One way or tactic I've used is to log the amount of time gaming and then match that time with exercise..so 1 hour of gaming means 1 hour of some type of exercise. So you can make it a reward system for yourself...if I work out for an hour then I will put in an hour of gaming afterwords. Yea…
  • Even log things like breath mints or gum...it all adds up. Log anything you ingest to give yourself an honest count. And I tend to underestimate the amount of calories burned from exercise etc... Drinks can end up being a full meals worth of calories in a day if your not careful..especially if you drink milk like me.
  • I'm on the same goal path as you, summer 2013 to lose 35 with diet and strength training. I lost 10 before I joined this fitness pal last week and have 25 to go....this forum and app is extremely helpful...especially having friends to help motivate...good luck!
  • I agree (and do) always weigh myself in the nude right when I wake up everyday to keep things constant. Like others mentioned, sodium, water weight, BM and urine and even the weight of the food you eat before its digested adds pounds. I usually see about a 3-5 pound difference from the am to right before bed. Overnight…