Thank you everyone for your help.If it won't appear in the next month I will see my doctor. mlb929,I am not seeking attention.I am seeking HELP.Because I don't know what should I do. and lol for the bear joke.I should watch that movie.
Thanks,you made me feel like I have chances of my period getting back :) How long did it take you to get it back?And how much fat did you eat?
Why don't you?Do you have health problems?
umm...what was the bear for?
I don't know what my body fat percentage is but it should be around 21-23.My weight is 115 lbs and I am 5"3 . I exercise 6 days a week for ~1 hour .My body fat is no way too low and I wouldn't say that 1hour of exercise is a lot...Right now I'm doing braziliian butt lift and max capacity training ( body weight exercises) .
I forgot to mention that now that I started eating more fat my BELLY got smaller!And I lost two pounds.I couldn't lose weight anymore when I wasn't eating them...
Thank you everyone for your answers!I'm new here but I already noticed that people are so supportive here. :)
My BMI is OK but I still look unfit.Though I can feel my abs under the fat..If that makes any sense...Do you know any muscle building programs where you don't need to buy any additional stuff like weights?
rml_16 I am 5'3 ,too. :)
I had those tests,too.They said my bloodwork is fine .Though I have something in my thyroid.But he said that it's just a tiny teeny thing and I don't need to worry about it.
I live in a small town,no such person. :( I will ask my mother,though.Thank you for your concern.
As I mentioned,I went to a doctor.But all she did was yell at me when I told her how much I eat...
Thank you!I hope so.Does it mean that I can still lose weight and have my period?
MartinTanz,It might be so...I feel so dumb for starving myself. :(