

  • Hello everyone, my user name Buttercup_h. please feel free to add me as well. Thank you all!
  • Age: 20 Gender: F Married? No Kids? No Goal weight: 50 kg Current weight: 88 kg (was 98.8 kg) Height: 160 cm Favorite exercise: cycling Least favorite exercise: running Pets? A cat <3 Calorie goal: 1200 How often do you work out? 6 days/week Current program you're using: weight loss Best workout song: what doesn't kill you…
  • Hello.. greetings from Kuwait to all of you! for those who are aiming for 1200 cals/day feel free and add me as a friend lets help each other :) shukran :)
  • I'm aiming for 1200 cals per day.. feel free to add me people ;)