

  • I'm with Rodhands. Look, to whomever said a ketogenic diet would put you at "higher risk", explain. Higher risk of what, losing weight and being awesome? Or, perhaps you mean heart disease? The ketogenic diet is used to help kids with epilepsy, and works for a few other things (personally has worked well for my IBS, which…
  • I'm currently doing Keto and it's working great for me. 5% carbs, 35% protein, and 60% fat. First, I agree that the only way to lose weight would be to keep a calorie deficit. However, that's been impossible for me when trying to just eat healthy. I would always crave more sugar and carbs throughout the day and really…
  • I'm currently doing Keto. Scratch out all breads and fruits. Breads and fruits have a surprising amount of carbs. If you're not too concerned with keeping such a low number of carbs, keep the fruit in your diet, but still pay attention to the carbs they have as well. On Keto, I stay around 20g of carbs a day. Sometimes it…
    in Carbs? Comment by Extion November 2012