I,ve tried them all, Cut your carbs, especially grains and sugars anything with white flour and any white root veggies.. You will steadily lose wait if you keep the carbs way down. I know it gets people piss off when I say this but treating yourself to "bad " foods once in awhile is not a good idea. Anyone can deal with…
Read "Good Calories, Bad calories", they should have it at your local library. i started at 293 am down to 235 and was never really hungry........
Read "Good Calories, Bad calories", they should have it at your local library. i started at 293 am down to 235 and was never really hungry........
Read "Good calories, Bad Calories". It will change the way you look at diet and training. The book is data heavy, but you can skip to what ever chapter you want to read. The basic gist is to lay off carbs, in a big way. I'm 53 with a heart condition and I did. Weight came off energy is back and dig this, when you lay off…