ksuetorres Member


  • PEANUT BUTTER (but more often PB2 to save calories) Almond milk - unsweetened vanilla 30 kcal per 8 oz Ole Xtreme Wellness tomato basil tortillas 80 kcal per 10" tortilla Dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt 2x Protein 80 kcal per cuplet Moon Pops or Magic Pops (crunchy air) 16 kcal per tortilla-sized rice cake
  • GARLIC!!!!! I also love curry powder, use it all the time. I also mix garlic and curry powder!
  • That isn't what I wanted to hear! I have saggy skin on my upper arms, thighs and abdomen. (no use mentioning triceps!) I'm lifting and working hard to tighten it up, but at my age (62), I realize it might be here to stay. Still, a little hope would be nice! LOL
  • I make a game out of logging calories consumed/burned. It's opened my eyes to the size of turkey platters! I think it's kinda fun to calculate how to get the most nutrition and largest volume of food for the lowest number of calories. I must be doing pretty well because I've lost the weight I wanted! So your problem may be…
    in FED UP!! Comment by ksuetorres June 2013
  • These men love their wives -- and that's something to celebrate! Not sure about the gun in the bra, but I think I'd do a lot to ease his mind. And give him some extra lovin' when after you shower ! LOL
  • Healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds a week. Two pounds would mean 25 weeks, or about six months. That's what it took me. There is no magic -- you have to count calories and exercise. Good luck!
  • Can you give us a recipe for your almond milk? Sounds expensive unless you can buy carloads of almonds. . . Also, I never heard of oatmilk! Where do you get that?
  • I'm an accountant but I don't add, subtract, multiply or divide. I hail from Houston but I live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
  • Here's what the Mayo Clinic says http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/coconut-oil-and-weight-loss/AN01899 Can coconut oil help me lose weight? Answer from Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. The few small studies that have looked at coconut oil and weight loss suggest that coconut oil may help reduce waist size, but it doesn't lead…
  • Chick-Fil-A posts their calorie counts on the menu. I had their Asian salad the other day -- 330 calories (with fried chicken, no less!) and another 100 calories for fat-free honey mustard dressing. Delicious! If you asked for grilled chicken it would be even fewer calories.
  • What a great story! Congratulations, Melissa, and thanks for sharing your story. Love this line: "When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses and expect only results. I've always been interested in losing weight but I had never…
  • Moon Pops or Magic Pops (16 cal each) with PB2 (45 cal for 2 T). Nice and crunchy, peanutty and delicious! Light and Fit Greek yogurt, any flavor - only 80 calories per carton, and a healthy serving of protein.
  • I suffered with PF for over two years, and nothing helped. I tried all the remedies mentioned here (except acupuncture -- no thanks!! LOL). Finally I went to my doctor and he gave me a steroid shot in that foot. In a few days it was almost gone! Six weeks later I had another, and have never suffered from PF again. That was…
  • Absolutely. "Not liking vegetables" sounds like a pouty five-year-old. We are programmed to prefer sweets and fats, so kids have to be helped through the picky-eating stage. As picky adults, our parents obviously failed so we have to get ourselves out of it -- and at least half of that is attitude. Everyone is entitled to…
  • I can totally relate to this. I reached my goal weight but have lost another ten pounds. Which is fine, but I'm having trouble adding calories back into my diet because I'm so paranoid about gaining. Sure don't need to lose any more weight, though. I also have the wrinkly skin problem. I'm 62, so at my age I probably can't…
  • The Big Chill: "Rationalizations are more important than sex. Did you ever go a week without a rationalization?"
  • Offended is some people's default position. Maybe I'll make it mine and join everybody else!
  • I've just convinced myself I don't LIKE rich, greasy, sugary things! That way I can eat around people having chicken fried steak, donuts, ice cream. . . Nothing tastes as good as being a size 6!!!
  • I started to lose weight when I gave up on the magic bullet. Once I accepted that I had to count calories and exercise, I started counting calories and exercising.
  • "Diet and exercise."
  • I'm so sorry. Please be gentle with yourself and FOR SURE don't worry about your weight for a while. Grieving and coming to terms with this loss is your most important job right now.
  • No exercise is for nothing. Even if you can't log an exact calorie burn, your body doesn't check MFP before it reacts! LOL You get the actual effect of whatever you do to/with your body, never mind logging it. So go, girl!
  • Schatzi, listen to "Oma" here! Your body is perfect. You don't need to lose more weight. But everyone can always get healthier and fitter. Try lifting some heavy things, as they say on MFP, and seek to strengthen the areas where you perceive problems. That might mean you consume more calories, but that's just fuel for the…
  • The old lady speaks. . . .I've lost 58 pounds,and since I'm 63 I ended up with saggybaggy skin. I have to wear sleeves to cover my upper arms, my thighs are pretty wrinkled, my stomach is wrinkled and my boobs -- well, never mind. I'm lifting heavy things to try to firm back up but at my age it may not happen. I figure I'm…
  • Live in Corinth, work in Dallas. Howdy, y'all!
  • I (yawn) get up at 4:45, brush my teeth and get into my workout clothes. By 5AM I'm doing a Jackie Warner DVD (Mon-Wed-Fri) or walking (Tu-Thu) or treadmilling if the weather is bad. I have to be done by 6, and ready to leave for work by 6:45. (yawn) Some days it's sure tempting to roll over and go back to sleep, but even…
  • I have substituted corn tortillas for bread for a month now and will never go back. They're cheap, much lower in calories and have 1/4 of the sodium. What kind of tortillas do you buy? All the corn tortillas I see have about 100 calories each, which is way more than most bread.
  • Juices have all the good stuff filtered out and lots of added sugar; margarine is full of trans fats, which you should never eat. All the others -- in moderation, like anything else!