Qcassie Member


  • 5'8" here Highest was 180 lbs Just getting back into things, and I bet my current weight is about 160 (I will weigh after the holiday) My first goal will be 150, which is where my body really fights me and I plateau I am most comfortable between 142-145. I tried to reach 140, but it just didn't happen. I have back/hip/neck…
  • My intake is set at 1200. If I stay under that and don't exercise, I try to keep it close to that 1200 mark - only a few under. I found that if I was eating even just 100 under, my weight loss stopped completely. It wasn't until I started exercising and eating back at least half of my exercise cals that I started losing…
  • I like a wedge on a toasted wheat sandwich thin, along with some black olive tapenade.