Make sure you read lots of reviews about whatever body fat scale you get. Some are really poorly made. I bought the FitBit Aria scale (thought the WiFi feature was cool), but it was unreliable. The body fat % changed 3-4% within a day and the weight fluctuated way too much. The EatSmart scale I got now is very consistent…
Actually, if you cut out all carbs, you can lose about 10 pounds of water weight after 1-2 weeks. You aren't really losing fat, but with every ounce of carbohydrate we absorb our body wants to conserve 3 ounces of water. I've been a fan on the pre-made Lean Shakes at GNC. 25g of protein and only 170 cals. You can have 2-3…
As somebody else noted, don't go by weight! Get a body fat scale (I like my EatSmart brand from amazon, it is very consistent). If you are biking so much, you're probably bulking up and gaining muscle mass. Are your clothes looser? Once you are down to minimal body fat, exercise is only going to make you bigger by growing…