rn214 Member


  • Thanks for all the advise. I do have a lifestyle eating habit not a diet. I am always mindful of how many calories is in something. I know something has to change even though I do not eat badly by any stretch but obviously it's not good enough. I have protein shakes for my breakfast sometimes with egg whites. Lunch if I…
  • I know I was vague just frustrated. I was always on the thin side then probably gained here and there in my 20's. By my late 20's I was 150 and I am 5'5". Not terrible as that took about 10 years of dating my now husband to gain about 40lbs. Had children and then just gradual weight gain in my 30's and now I just turned 40…
  • Normally I weigh myself everyday. I havent the last few months because I felt the weight coming on and I didn't want to know. I had lost 15 lbs 8 months ago and it took only 3 months to put back on. I tried everything so I decided to go to a nutritionist last week and she weighed me on a scale with clothes on. Then 2 days…
  • Thank you all for your help. I have been working out for years now on and off. Zumba is not new to me and if I steadily work out I can see a difference. I was doing some kickboxing a few weeks ago too. Just strange. It was a different scale and I never had such a weigh from watching. Thanks again. I will try to stay…