Just keep a water bottle with you... you would be surprised how much water you will drink if it is in front of you.. a few sips here and there add up! And i just got the crystal light straberry lemonade flavored water "enhancer" thing where u can pick how much u shoot in.. that stuff is awesome!!
COuld mindless snacking here and there that you aren't tracking possibly be a problem? Sometimes i'll just say o its only a bite or a few chips.. i don't need to log it and thats when i usually gain a few stubborns pounds
I have also heard that however when i program a treadmill i alway burn more running. Another thing about running is that it is much better for your heart than walking the same distance and after you are done running your body will continue to burn calories after you are done. I would rather take 20 minutes to run a few…
The #1 mistake you are making is not eating breakfast! My health teacher preaches "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" and he is right. Eating breakfast in the morning kick starts your metabolism. Your breakfast doesn't have to take a lot of time to prepare, I am in high school and i eat cheerios with fruit,…
I am in a relationship with food
As a busy high school student i like to eat a quick breakfast so i have more time to sleep! Cereal and some fruit is usually my go to. I really like having special K vanilla almond cereal with almond milk! I figured since the cereal only had 110 calories in a serving and was promoted as a healthy option i was set to go.…
Hey! I am a senior and did cross country for the first time last year! I was lazy for the month following the season but have slowly began to pick it up again! I could hardly run a mile before the season and now 2 or 3 miles doesn't scare me.. I am no expert but enjoy talking to other beginners and learning from long time…