

  • I can be a stress starver or a stress eater, depending on how long the situation goes on. I think being vegan, with a nut allergy, would make it more difficult. Now I'm not a doctor or nutritionist but I've been on the weight loss journey so take this with a grain of salt. It is important to get the nutrition from food,…
  • I have a polar FT7... I've never had any problems with it... but I use it very infrequently, mostly because I never think to put it on until I'm already at the gym. I don't usually wear a watch so I get a little distracted when I have it on. Also, it's not very pretty... I think it was about 90$.
  • Try getting an appointment with a physical therapist who has experience with sports medicine. It sounds similar to a problem I have with my SI joint sliding out of place. One of the things that helps me is to lay on my back with a tennis ball (sometimes 2) under me. Initially it hurts but eventually the muscles relax and…