Gingernut1949 Member


  • With any other diet in the past I've always got to my goal, stopped dieting and weighing myself - and put it all back on again! I've lost three stone (42 pounds, 20 kilos) on the 5:2 way of life and have maintained my weight loss since April last year by just eating up to 500 calories one day a week for the health benefits…
  • You might be simply trying to run too fast. I didn't start running until last January, having hated it at school, and I was 63. I found the seventh and eighth 60 second runs impossible in the first run but the second and third I managed all of them. Lads walking would pass me! I progressed through the weeks without…
  • Apparently you should leave a day in between to give your body time to recover. Beware you don't get an injury that will stop you running altogether.
  • I started the C25K programme two weeks ago and I'm going out on my third run of week two today. I enjoy Laura's podcasts and look forward to improving my running. I'm very slow! I'm aiming at doing a half-marathon in September. I started the 5:2 lifestyle diet after watching Michael Mosley's Horizon programme "Eat, Fast…