

  • Well done on losing 16lbs!!! What your doing is obviously working for you... I would say that you should maybe eat a bit more than 1200 calories if you are exercising but your weight loss has been great for such a small space of time. What are you doing at the gym??? Have you taken measurements to see how your body has…
  • Im 5ft and like you guys trying to find a weight that suits is difficult and extra wee lb or two can make a short person look huge!!! I have about 4 stone to lose to get back to the maximum weight for my height however Im happy at that weight and would love to be back there again!!! The issue with BMI is that it doesnt…
  • I am also rejoining yet again... this time Im trying to combine MFP with a gym workout and trying to focus on getting back into the habit of working out and have just set a target of losing 1lb a week. You have given yourself a nice realistic target to meet and drving towards that should keep you motivated. Good to have…
  • Thanks for the replies... Its a basic/budget gym that Im at so the very few classes they have don't suit with my work hours. They do have loads of weight machines which just look a bit scary... never liked them even when I was smaller and went to the gym loads I used to do Body Pump 3 times a week for weight but that not…