I see what you did there... and yes, I really would like to get to the point where I enjoy exercising again. I threw shotput and discus through HS and used to loooove lifting weights. Maybe I'll try doing some weights again :)
Ok you guys have given me a lot of great things to think about and work on! So far I've got: * Eat more of my calories early in the day, less at dinner time * Eat less processed foods, more raw or homemade * Make sure I take my lunch to avoid the hungry-desperate-fast-food-trip * Watch my sodium and Carb (simple) intakes *…
Everyone keeps talking about Zumba! I'll have to just get over my fear of feeling rediculous and try it ;) As for water, I drink it all day long so I'm usually drinking at least 80 oz before I leave work. I just dont log it:(
Dry Beans: You're correct, my husband buys the bags of dry beans, then cooks them. I log the amount of dry beans before they are boiled (using the serving size on the bag which is in dry portions). The difference in food types you keep seeing is in direct coorelation to my husband's motivation! Most days he has already…
You're my new favorite person.
This is good, I'll definitely put this on my 'changes' list. More protein, less carbs. I have to admit I definitely never realized just how much bread I consumed on a daily basis!! What an eye opener... Also the sodium tracker was a great idea, especially if it's true that sodium makes you hold onto water weight ;)
Ok, I definitely misspoke on this one. I dont say "Hey , that looks like its about like this chicken salad i've found on the search". Instead I have to put in each darn ingredient (he tells me portions) and then divide that whole total by the amount of the food I ate. Kale soup is the perfect example. I had to take all the…
I actually dont eat out much, but sometimes I have to put in estimations (my husband is a chef). As for burgers I'm pretty sure I've only had one burger (cheeseburger) and one Black bean burger in the few weeks I've been tracking. I'm not sure where the sandwich is but I dont eat those either. It's possible that bread was…