

  • In high school I was 151 and looked great but 162 was more my "average" weight. I will truly be satisfied if I get down to 165/size 10
  • Cut up potatoes with onions and EVOO Asparagus Mushrooms Jalepeno/cream cheese wrapped in bacon (SO greasy but delicious)
  • I love 'to things myself'. I grew up on a farm and that was just the way of life I knew. I knew how to change my own oil before I could legally drive. Right now my fiancé and I are gutting our boat and redoing the interior and painting the topside. It makes everything much more custom and unique. It is sad to see not many…
  • Thanks for all the support and suggestions everyone, it wasn't a patient/client but a family member that visits rather frequently. I am going to take them aside and politely state that the comment wasn't welcome.
  • Bell peppers (YUCK! The smell of them makes me want to vomit and I can taste them in anything) Yogurt of any kind, greek or regular (bleh, I can't choke it down, no matter how much I try to like it) Light dairy products (give me the regular stuff please! I will use less of it for a normal taste) Pork, I'll eat it if it is…