Vixiedust Member


  • We should swap recipes of our favorite juices:) I have one for a mean green drink..VERY VERY Tasty!:tongue:
  • I will stick to the fellow peers I have received support from, and they will be able to see my progress. After the 40 day juicing fast as I said, "It will help jumpstart a healthier lifestyle". Whether you believe I can sustain these changes or not doesn’t matter to me. I simply am trying to share an experience I am going…
  • Thanks to everyone for the POSITIVE support. This is why I came to share my experience on myfitnesspal, because I know there are POSITIVE people out there. I wish you all luck on your weight loss journeys!:) I will do weekly updates if anyone is interested:)
  • No im not going to grind beef:) I simply added it to show how much protein it contains, which is why it is the easier route to take for protein intake.
  • Yes I have, she gave me the okay to begin and I will be going to see her as often as id like. Im sorry this doesn't appeal to you, but you shouldn't have gone out of your way to bash on my plans. I wish you luck on your weight loss!
  • From a combination of fruits and veggies:) See table below: Protein Comparison: •Bananas: 4 percent •Cucumbers: 11 percent •Oranges: 7 percent •Green Leaf Lettuce: 22 percent •Watermelon: 7 percent •Eggs: 37 percent •Whole Milk: 23 percent •Beef: 50 percent.