a_hood89 Member


  • I love this!!
  • Yep, this is what I noticed when I first joined MFP. There were so many things I would eat out of boredom or convenience without thinking if it would be worth it in the long run or if I really even needed it. It also helps me personally because I will sometimes try to justify eating something with, "Oh, well this one _____…
  • Ah! Hope I'm not too late :P feel free to add me, I record pretty actively on here. And that goes to anyone else as well, I would love to make some dedicated friends on MFP!
  • We have lost almost the same amount of weight and are similar in height... I am actually currently going through something similar. I've looked it up and a lot of people just seem to say that you should up your intake, which you did, and kind of "calorie cycle" to shake up your metabolism a little bit.…
    in Plateau Comment by a_hood89 April 2013
  • Hi! You can add me, I'm looking for some more devoted friends on here as well! I'm in a similar situation as you and need to become inspired again. P.S. That goes to anyone :p We can do this together!
  • Hi, welcome back! I'm also a college student, about to graduate actually! That's great that you're on the muscle building phase of your journey, I'm slowly adding that in but still working on the body fat part first! Good luck to you! Feel free to add me! -Autumn
  • Hi! You have already made great progress! And JLaw is definitely a huge inspiration :P I also want to not just be thin but also FIT, lol. Let's do dis!