

  • Hi guys! Hope you're all doing great out there in calorie land!!:drinker: I have just about gotten past all my 'hang-ups' with this guy.....BUT.... :bigsmile: He dropped a very large bombshell on me the last time we spoke. Actually there were two... The first one really bothers me and it is that he seems to have like,…
  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Sooo funny!
  • :laugh: ROFLMAO :heart:
  • Hi. Here in the UK we are paying anything up to £1.10p (that's up to $2.21) a litre. Wish we paid by the gallon here!
  • :bigsmile: Once again I am indebted to all you guys! And I'd like to second Cheryl in thanks to Drkrimage2. Right on the money- thank you so much! :flowerforyou: I was really hoping to get the male perspective and I think he put it across so well and eloquently too, and yes I took some of his advice...... And... Success!…
  • Hiya everyone! Yep, back again. :laugh: Not about date 3 sadly, but on a 'needing reasurance' thing! :embarassed: I don't know whether I've got my wires crossed with this guy or not. We have a lovely time every time we meet or talk but then there are the big gaps in between meeting and texting. Now am I just being a little…
  • Well, as they say... you are only as old as you feel! And by the sound of you I'm guessing you're in your thirties, right?? :wink: Just keep an open mind cos it's usually the last one you look at that fits! Like when you lose your house keys!!! :laugh:
  • Thank you so much ! I hope you find someone who is just right for you! :heart:
  • Hi everyone! :bigsmile: Haven't had date three yet or The Kiss... but I just wanted to share an insight I had yesterday, with you all. Basically it was that all this time I have been soooo worried about how I come accross as a person... Self conscious, low self esteem, insecure etc etc.... And the fact that i get so…
  • Update number .... oops can't remember how many updates you've had, but..... We were supposed to get the whole First Kiss thing out the way yesterday but he had work and I had the Gas Man due at 2pm so it just didn't happen. :sad: He did phone me just to chat as he had a spare half hour, but as luck would have the Gas Man…
  • Hi. I think it's more of a educational documentary myself. "Hey kids...This is how NOT to date in your thirties....":laugh: I can see this being aired for such a long time over here! lol And I'm hoping for good luck and lots of it for date number 3, as it will most likely be The Kissing Date! Sounds like such a cheesey…
  • Don't worry about it! And thank you for all your lovely positive comments!
  • [[/quote] I agree with Coralie, our pretty dating lady! I think women are just as baffled by men as I am sure men are baffled by women! I'm divorced for 20 years, and I don't really want to marry again, but it is great to have a male point-of-view on the endless dance we do. Good luck, pretty blonde lady. We are sending…
  • I think you sound a lot like me! Trust and faith are two of the hardest things to learn in life. We seem to have them instinctively as children but sadly once we unlearn them as adults it can be almost impossible to gain them back again. I'm just learning, thanks to my yummy man, Jon (umm can I say that at only date…
  • I think you sound a lot like me! Trust and faith are two of the hardest things to learn in life. We seem to have them instinctively as children but sadly once we unlearn them as adults it can be almost impossible to gain them back again. I'm just learning, thanks to my yummy man, Jon (umm can I say that at only date…
  • Hurrah! Thanks everyone, we DID get to date 2.:smooched: By the skin of his teeth! (Urg that sounds horrible) He hadn't got my messages from yesterday till this morning. Silly boy. So there I was panicing thinking 'Oh well, never see him again!' and it turns out he's just a little dippy when it comes to replying to text…
  • Thanks Cheryl. Umm, the guy. Well Date 2 was supposed to be today but as I haven't heard from him in while I guess that's another one to chalk up to experience. Still the day is young yet (well, here it is at least!) and I'll give him a while yet before writing him off for good! I'm nothing if not patient and he's already…
  • Hi. Quick update! Am going for second date tommorrow hopefully, all being well. And I can't wait!! Have had soooo many sleepless nights this week! :yawn: I may just expire from frustration if he cancels! :tongue: Hope you all out there are ok. Take care now, :heart: :heart:
  • My hair. But is that a body part?? I mean we can cut that off, right.....??:tongue: And my shoulders. :heart:
  • Thank you Cheryl. I will certainly try! :flowerforyou: Although it is kind of hard to just have fun, as I seem to be becoming addicted to his text messages!:laugh: Hopefully the novelty will wear of soon and I will no longer be hanging over my phone waiting for it to beep. And then there is the worrying over whether he has…
  • Oh I hope so momathome and ynot, and everybody! I guess now I just hope that I don't mess things up too badly. But he is lovely. He sends me these great little text messages, nothing earth shattering, just to let me know he is thinking of me. I never had anything like this with my ex-husband, he was 23 years older than me…
  • Well done you! What a fantastic moment, enjoy it as it carries you through the next 20! :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • I am soooooo sorry not to post yesterday! The day just flew past. Meeting him, getting kids from school etc...... BUT... YEEEE haaaaaa! My word but he was NICE. And hot!!:tongue: I took all your wonderful advice with me and promptly forgot most of it !! Sorry! We met up at this really posh hotel (eek!!) to have coffee and…
  • That is genuinely funny! Cat's are great. If this makes you laugh go to Stuff On My Cat dot com. And there's even one for dogs now too. :laugh:
  • Well, today is the day! If he shows up at all! I'm not counting any chickens untill I see them running around all fluffy and yellow!!! :laugh: Thanks heaps to everyone who's posted here, and I'll let you all know how it goes. :drinker: :heart:
  • Hiya Deb, he cancelled, so we're meeting 2moro instead! :sad: It's all a bit scary really! :bigsmile:
  • Thanks Pam, but it's soooo much easier to think that guys have it easy! :laugh: I know they don't, and he has mentioned his appearance to me before but I think he looks cute! :blushing: Must make a mental note to tell him so as soon as I see him in the flesh ( we met off of Match.Com). And who knows perhaps he will turn…
  • Thank you so much icandoit! Perhaps that is the best advice for someone like me (yep- the persistant worrier type!!). Just to go out and not hang so much on it! I'll do it! No hang ups, just 2 people out for a coffee. Easy. :sick: .....i'll just keep telling myself that till we meet on monday...... Oh, and thank you to…
  • :flowerforyou: I'm soooo glad someone out there was listening! I know I sound like a big sook, but this whole dating thing is such a nightmare. I have always been shy and after I got married I didn't really have to try and change that, so now I am just this big ol' mess of low selfesteem and inadequacy!! Nothing much! LOL…