AmyDee1969 Member


  • I like the perspective of "adding in" rather than "cutting out" - at least in the beginning. Add in more water, fruit and veggies and somehow junky stuff seems to cut itself out as the good "add ins" increase. I still have a ways to go myself, but this mindset works for me :)
  • No answers, just an anecdote. Recently I was stalled for almost 2 weeks at 1200 calories per day and eating about 1/2 of my workout calories. As an experiment I upped my calorie intake to 1350, continued working at about the same intensity and continued eating about 1/2 the workout calories. Voila! Plateau was no more, and…
  • #WIN! So I learned that if I get to the fitness center AS SOON AS I CHECK IN, I will actually DO the workout. Also, like JB has mentioned on a CC or two, you know how everything kind of “aligns” for your success if you look for it? Normally the free hotel dinner is something super fattening, but tonight: Baked Tilapia,…
  • Count me in! Thanks :happy: