

  • I did NutriSystem 2 yrs ago, for 3 or 4 months- lost 20 lbs- which I've kept off. I loved how easy it was- if you are looking for easy, that is it- nothing even needs to be refridgerated! You add veggies, salads, etc- the food's not so bad- some things aren't the best- but some of it is really good! :) good luck!!!
  • Microwave! yeah, i agree w/ your assessment, and also grew up not eating healthy. when i think about my after school snack even now, at 40 yrs old, i want to barf- wonder bread, slathered with butter, sprinkled with sugar. OMG. no wonder i was a chub. :) i have 2 sons, 3 and 5. My number ONE priority with them (well, top…
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