jill5677 Member


  • Do NOT deprive yourself. If you want it, and you worked out and saved calories - freaking have it! :) That's the beauty of this site. You can have your calories however you want.... Enjoy it.
  • Try yogurt! For me it curbs the need for sweet and it's quite filling, and gives you calcium!
  • I still do monthly weigh-ins at Jenny Craig and I told my consultant about it as well. She told me to use their website, but it only works if you're doing Jenny food. So I told her about this one and how it keeps track of everything. It's awesome!!!
  • I think we ALL have weeks where this is an issue. I weighed in on Monday morning and then again this morning and there is a 2 1/2 lb difference. What the heck?!?! At any rate - it's best to weigh in once a week at the same time. Also, if I go WAY over on my sodium intake and then don't compensate with more water, I do end…
  • If you're making a drastic change in your diet, and you have more than say 20 pounds to lose, it is likely that the first few weeks it will just "fall" off you. That's because of the drastic difference in caloric intake. After a few weeks, it will level off. So, if by the 4th or 5th week, you only lose 1 - 3 lbs, then…
  • YES!!! You should always eat all the calories it says to eat. So, if your daily allowance is 1200 and you work out and burn 310, then that day you should consume 1510 calories! Makes working out an even bigger incentive, espeically if you want to splurge or are going out to eat that night! I've been doing this for almost 2…
  • I agree with viviakay. Losing 10 lbs in a month is a lot!! There may be weeks where you lose less than others, but try to look at the big picture and not the weekly goals. Maybe only weigh in once every 2 weeks? Also, just be careful to not over-do it on your exercising. It's hard to maintain a regular workout schedule,…
  • I dont know what crisps are, but I would recommend trying to find a low-calorie snack. If you dont have anything, then yes, you should eat the crisps. Otherwise if you are hungry you will just starve yourself now and binge later. Make sure you drink a full glass of water before you eat the crisps and then try to only eat…
  • Yes, likely most restaurants grill their veggies in oil, also a lot put butter on them. I usually order without butter and if they say they can't, I get a salad. Watch for "steamed" because that should mean not cooked in oil. :)
  • Wow. That IS quite the ordeal. If it was once a month, it would probably be fine, but once a week! Wow. That's tough!!! I agree that you should perhaps try to bring your own food. It will be hard, but at least you can eat with everyone. Bring a main dish that is a low cal protein (pork chops or fish or even chicken) and…
  • I went to a class at the Y once, and I was like you, a little nervous. There will likely be lots of "regulars" that know what to do, so just copy them! You'll be glad you went, as it will likely kick your butt! :happy:
  • I haven't done any exercise videos in a long time, but back in the day I used to realy like the tae bo ones. I had a mean round-house kick that would've made Chuck Norris proud! :wink: I think it also depends on how coordinated you are. If you are, then you can get some of the more complicated ones! :) I know there's a lot…
  • I actually don't think that would be an overestimation. I think 1/2 tbsp would be fine. Maybe I'm basing this more on how I would cook, but I would never use a whole tablespoon unless it was for a few servings of veggies/food.
  • I think 1 tbsp is probably too much. What had the canloa oil? I can make an entire stir fry (with 4 servings) with a tablespoon of oil... so for 1 serving, i would say it would only be 1/4 to 1/2 tbsp. Maybe i'm not understanding what was cooked with the oil though....
  • I usually eat a breakfast bar of some sort (anywhere from 150 - 180 calories) and then a banana for a mid morning snack. I also just found these Chewy granola bars that are 90 calories, so I can have 2, which feels like a lot of food in the morning! :) Also, I use a light bread that is 80 calories for 2 slices and just use…
    in Breakfast Comment by jill5677 March 2008
  • I think it depends on what your budget allows, but I do think it's important to have clothes that fit you. If you're planning on losing a lot of weight, then trying to keep up on buying all new wardrobes in a short amount of time is hard. However, buying new clothes is part of the fun of losing weight, so you should…
  • I would go by what the elliptical says, especially if you are able to enter your weight. Burning 1000 calories in 45 minutes would be very hard to do. The workout estimates on here are probably off.
  • Welcome! My only advice to you is to try to select a work-out program that will WORK for you that you can maintain! If an hour a day for 5 days a week isn't something you can keep up, long term, then don't start because you're just setting yourself up to fail. Try starting with 1/2 hour or 40 minutes for 3 - 4 times a…
  • :cry: Sorry, to hear about your loss. I can just about imagine how hard it is right now. One thing I might suggest is that until you are ready to go back into "weight loss" mode is just try to maintain your weight for a while. You need to take in more calories to maintain your weight, so this could help with some of the…
  • Don't think of maintaining as a bad thing! If you are someone who has successfully maintained weight for 3 months without thinking about it, then I'm jealous! :wink: Welcome back!
  • I'm familiar with slipping. I lost nearly 55 lbs on Jenny Craig, went on maintenance and then gained at least 2 lbs every month until I gained back 15 lbs. It REALLY isn't hard to do. For me, it's a matter of making the decision to get back on track. Unfortunately, for me, dieting and eating healthy isn't my instinct. I…
  • My best advice for anyone trying to lose weight is that you need to be organized. You can't ASSUME you will always make or have a healthy choice to make, so you need to make sure by packing your own lunches, snacks for throughout the day, so as to avoiding binging. If you are going out to eat, try to go online and decide…
    in New Guy Comment by jill5677 March 2008
  • I really like the spray margarines. They are v low in calories, and a few sprays can really help! :wink:
  • hi world
    in hi Comment by jill5677 February 2008
  • I think there are a few key things to do... if you are going to eat something, try to find the least calories. For example, I found a bread that is 80 calories for 2 slices. Granted the slices are a little smaller than other breads, but you won't notice. It can save you almost 80 calories if you do this. Also, I don't add…