

  • 1 c. plain, 0% fat Greek yogurt has 130 cal, 9 g. carb, and 23 g. protein. I like Fage brand. It is a great substitute for sour cream and can be added to smoothies and a million other things (search recipes on line) I add 'Optimum Nutrition 100% egg white protein powder' to smoothies.29 servings/ container (per serving: 24…
  • In a blender, I put about 5 ice cubes, vanilla protein powder, about 3/4 cup of water (or what your powder says to mix with- there is one vanilla almond milk with only 30 calories), 1 cup of frozen, unsweetened berries or any other frozen, unsweetened fruit, 1 pkt stevia sweetener and blend on high til thick and blended.…
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