

  • Right there with you! I also get frustrated when i don't see instant results. I about had a fit when after the first week I had gained a pound! Some one gave me some good advice. Stick to it and don't weigh yourself for the first month. It takes awhile for you metabolism to get started and you body to adjust to the new…
  • Hey, I didn't do P90X, but I did do the insanity workout for two weeks straight. I didn't lose any weight, but I did lose an inch and a half. My problem was I couldn't keep up with it. It was so hard and time consuming. No question they are great workouts thought!
  • Height: 5'4" Starting Weight:195 Current Weight: 195 Goal weight: 150 Calories: 1500 a day Age: 25 I just got started a little over a week ago and still haven't found my rhythm yet.