

  • TH is awesome! I did P90X last year around this time and had some fun with it. I chose to get into lifting weights as soon as I got finished with it. Its been almost a year of lifting now and that plus my mountain bike are my new loves!
  • Drink water. When someone breaks out the chocolate or the cupcakes, go drink 2 big glasses of water! You will feel full and you'll only want a few bites! I always eat junk food that others bring around but staying full all day helps my cravings.
  • I would recommend pineapple juice and ballistic stretching. I find (and P90X also says) that before a workout, holding a stretch for no more than a couple seconds makes me feel more limber for the activity I'm about to do; but I do multiple quick stretches. Then after a workout or between workouts I will do static (slow…