squashyhelen Member


  • If you lose JUST fat and maintain muscle (or even add a few) - 5 pounds will change your shape entirely. But you have to put in the hard work necessary to actually maintain your muscle and lose just the fat.
  • If you mean something unhealthy, I have Godiva every day. But one or two days out of the week I do purposefully eat at maintenance calories or up to 300 over. :)
  • Exact same sentiment echoed here. I'm actually starting to see a four pack now ... but those thighs are still stubbornly clinging to their fat. Giving insanity a go - maybe that whole-body compound kind of workout will increase blood flow and somehow help get that fat out of the thighs and into the blood stream?
  • Epsom salt in a bath! It's my go to pamper reward for working out esp hard.
  • I'm 5'3 and my thighs are 21.5. My waist is 25 ... it really depends on your genetics. At my lightest in high school, the circumference of my thighs were 3.5 inches off from my waist (20 vs. 23.5). You should be VERY glad for your thighs, especially in comparison to your height!
  • Thanks so much. Maybe I'll try gradually and very slowly talking about my weight loss. She knows that I'm watching what I eat, but that I still eat candy and cookies (just less so than before). I'm afraid that she'll see her method as validation because it gets the results quickly. It's no use talking about muscle…
  • Just finished week one, although I took 9 days to do it (to accommodate my other exercises). Between Day 1 to Day 6, I gained 3.2 pounds. Then, all of a sudden, it whooshed right out and I dropped 4 pounds. I think the longer you have that gain, the bigger the whoosh will be when it comes! And if not, it'll probably show…
  • Hey there, I just started insanity along with my other exercises. I definitely had to take a day off yesterday, as I went to Pro Sculpt and Kangoo classes, and there was no way my body was going to be able to take insanity as well. I think adding pure cardio to insanity is more doable but adding more lifting regimen is ...…
  • Tackled day 1 today. Feel so guilty glad for the little work emails that popped in as I was doing the workout, because I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have survived without the extra little breaks. That exercise where you stand up, drop down, do four pushups, then mountain climb is brutal.
  • Bump. Today was the second time in a row that I woke up in the middle of the night. I decreased my calories and increased my exercise for this week to make up for a weekend of ice cream binging. Not sure if this is what caused me to wake up, but I woke up RAVENOUS. Had to go to the kitchen and eat before falling back…
  • Uh... yeah I would explode. What a douche. Just reading this makes me angry!
  • Glad that it's working out for you! Sometimes stealth is the way to go to prevent people trying harder to sabatoge you so they maintain their status quo (if you diet, for some reason it makes them feel guilty). In my case, the friend that "only eats one meal a day" has been complaining and complaining about not losing…
  • Wow - I really love this one!!!
  • SW: 126 CW: 118.8 (but seems to be a new low... was hovering around 120 for a week) GW: 116 Weigh in Dates: 2/1 118.8 2/8 119.4 Wrong direction! 2/15 118.6 Urk. Come on, scale, cooperate! 2/22 2/28 Total weight lost: 0.2
  • It's terrible, because ever since this person got fanatical about paleo, she somehow lost the ability to talk about anything else! I need to pull off that look in the second GIF from Silver Star.
  • I don't subtract my BMR from my HRM numbers either. Based on my food log and my exercise log ... that should be fine. I'm actually losing a smidgen more than the numbers should say if the food log and exercise logs are actually correct. However, I don't typically count the calories burned during stretching time.
  • First stats: Height: 5'3 Weight: 118.4 (?) (also forgot to measure my inches this am) BMI: 21.2 (?) Moves SwitchKicks: 110 (ok, I think i might have been off on my form and miscounted due to being so tired close to the end) PowerJacks: 50 PowerKnees: 96 PowerJumps: 33 GlobeJumps: 9 SuicideJumps: 16 Push-UpJacks: 22…
  • Great inspiration!!! I took all of your advice to heart and got the fit test done today. Can't wait to improve!
  • Same here! I'm 5'3, currently 119 and aiming for 114 or 115 or so. Hopefully by March 6, when I go to Costa Rica, it will be 116. But each pound has been an enormous struggle. Can't imagine how ppl lose 2 pounds a week. Let's keep each other accountable!
  • I just got the DVDs today. They look TOUGH. Will start my fit test tomorrow ... nervous. My friend says he almost puked and had to stop halfway in between. Have you guys felt this way? Do you just push through? Is it cheating to do half in the morning and half at night then?
  • SW: 126 CW: 118.8 (but seems to be a new low... was hovering around 120 for a week) GW: 116 Weigh in Dates: 2/1 118.8 2/8 119.4 Wrong direction! Yesterday it was 118 :(. 2/15 2/22 2/28 Total weight lost: +0.6 Just for fun: What are you going to do for yourself when you lose 5 pounds this month? Go to Victoria's Secret!!!
  • That is indeed interesting. Wonder what equation is used to separate out the muscle and water. Water is the only thing for me that has stayed pretty much constant. :D Also, I wonder if the amount of minerals in your body impact this as well... potassium and calcium are supposed to better conductors or something right?…
  • YAY!! It's working!!! Can't wait to plug my numbers in and see that slow decrease! Thanks so much.
  • @diver: your link is pretty amazing - it's really too bad you have to have one of their special scales to sign up for an account. Btw - congrats on that overall BF decrease! I'm aiming for the same and hoping to preserve muscle. Then got confused as to which figure I should be looking at (there is a muscle % figure that…
  • Hmm that does make sense. I just thought that the lean muscle mass and skeletal should at least go in the same direction! Hope it's the scale's error in reading as opposed to losing "muscle" in intestines and organs and whatnot!
  • Baby carrots if you just want to munch on something, and salmon is fantastic if you're actually hungry.
  • JUICY burger! Or seafood buffet (omg, love the seafood buffets).
  • Cuddles + massage + movie + chocolate (oops, guess we're trying to be healthy) + victoria's secret gift card (if you're going over and above).
  • Same - best group by far. Thanks so much for the wide variety of great information provided here!
  • Holy cow, you guys rock!! I lost 4lbs and had to work my butt off for every little bit of those 4!