

  • This site is awesome, make sure you count every food you eat and there will be no problems. I love the calorie counter it makes me realize what Im eating every day and has helped me make wiser decisions with my food choices. I also have learned new foods I would snub my nose at before but love today! Good luck, feel free…
    in Day 1 Comment by kristenb29 January 2013
  • [/quote] agreed! As far as workouts go - there are several good DVD's out there. One of my favorites is Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. It's about $10 at Walmart and the only equipment you need are 3-5lb hand weights and a yoga mat if your going to work out on a hard surface... both can be found at Walmart and are…
  • I like this, like many of the posts here, I like how people are motivating, and get straight to the point about the issue at hand. If people dont put the problem on blast, we would all be lying to this girl. Keep it real.
  • I really like this breakdown for her, its so easy when its put into a list like this so she can see that her food choices should be treats once in a while, she should switch up 90% of her diet right now. Its not hard at all, just a little motivation and some research when you hit the grocery store, always always always…
  • I reccomend looking for lower calorie snacks. I noticed in your diary that some of your snacks were higher in calorie counts, take some more time and look at different foods in the grocery store. stay away from cereal, those carry a lot of calories. Also try eating cleaner, more vegetables, more high protein foods, and…