

  • Walking is great! Losing weight is all about diet and nutrition. Exercise is only a tool to help you get into a caloric deficit if your trying to lose weight and burn fat.
  • How long have you been at 1400 calories? If you have been their for a while then you probably need to drop your caloric intake even more. Calories in vs. calories out... your body needs to burn more calories than what your taking in. So, Your metabolism is very adaptive to what your doing. Just as the last comment said…
  • Gluten free is the way to go! I don't have a gluten allergy but I have noticed that eating foods that don't have gluten in them make me feel so much better. Your not bloated after every meal and you seam to have more pep in your step. This might sound a little crazy but I am working to be a body builder and from what I…