heidiyf Member


  • Welcome back! I enjoy eating meat, music, and besides the fact I do still eat dairy, I think for the most part my diet would be considered primal.
    in I'm baaaack Comment by heidiyf May 2013
  • If you are feeling unreasonably hungry then definitely try increasing your calories to a higher number, like 1400 or 1500. You can always lower your calories from there as your body gets smaller if you need to. From a dieter who has failed many times from trying to start too low at first, you'll end up quitting if you…
  • I generally don't count house cleaning or shopping. I guess I could strap on my pedometer at Target and log the miles but nah. However, these last few days I've been uprooting some decrepit and unhealthy landscaping and it involved some serious use of the mattock removing tree stumps, and I did count that, although I was…
  • Yes, this website is great....and free! I am looking to lose about twice as much as you and hope this helps me stay on track. Good luck!
  • Best of luck to you! I know how you feel about being scared of putting it all back on. I've lost weight, believing I'd never let myself get back to where I was. Not only did I get back to where I was but I exceeded it. But it definitely sounds like you are on the right track and even if the scale isn't going down, sounds…
  • I think my biggest concern wouldn't be the low carb aspect of it, but making sure she is getting enough potassium. Generally, there isn't a whole lot of potassium in meat. Also she should be sure to deduct fiber from her carb count. Vegetables are a good way to get potassium and they have some carbs. I think getting 10…