

  • I really do hope that I can say this one day. I LOVE the idea of running I just HATE doing it. I am going to give it more time for sure. I can't give up this time. :)
  • I was just thinking about doing an audio book. I love to read so I think that would probably help a lot. Great idea!
  • I love that your daughter kept you going! That is awesome. I don't listen to music when I run and I think you got something there because I can see that being a nice distraction and I bet I could find some good music to motivate me. That is amazing that your back pain went away after a couple months of running. My dad has…
  • See I am with you on there. I want to be one of those people who love running. I want to look forward to it but I just find it to be torture. When I see people running I get so envious because I just want to have that same drive that they do! I think you are right about not doing it every day, I'll do it three times a week…
  • OKay I am definitely going to try that then! I have heard good things but never got around to getting it.
  • That is a really good point about finding something I do like because I will end up quitting. I was thinking about that today as I was running. There is no way I am going to keep this up if I hate it so much. It will be so much easier to get discouraged. I was thinking about maybe finding a fun workout video like Flirty…
  • I run outdoors around my neighborhood.