

  • 192.6 today Sw: 197
  • Forgot to weigh in yesterday. This week only a 0.4 weight loss! I guess it's something.a little frustrated that I work out 5x a week 3( with a personal trainer) and stay in my calories and I'm still not loosing!
  • 194.8 today only a little over a pound lost! I'm disappointed! I did eat thanksgiving(I pigged) but then I was back on track with my eating and working out a lot too! Hope to see a big loss next week!
  • Wow thats really hard to do! Congrats! I recently watched forks over knives,it really made sense! I still eat meat but only on occasion , I think it's just the texture it adds to the meal that makes it hard to give up completely.
  • This is my first post and first group I'm joining! I just started Friday with diet and exercise. Today's weight is 196.4.I'm hoping this works for me! I start with a personal trainer three times a week next week! In the last year and a half I have lost 32 pounds but have stayed between 195-200 the last six months! I need…
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