saholderness Member


  • push yourself to last the hour you will hate it while its happening but love yourself for completeing it the first zumba class i went into was one of the most intense instructers at my gym and i didn't think i could keep going but i MADE my self and now i've been going for the past year! Lost 25lbs since this time last…
  • ZUMBA for the wii is worth it!!! i love mine. and i've been doing zumba for a year now its way better than the videos and has the same music you'll find in the classes and helps you get the moves down better
  • I LOVE IT!!! I lost my first 15lbs just getting up and going to zumba class... I bought the video set and its cool too but not as much fun as the real class i did discover go to and buy your video set there its a lil cheaper then the info-mercials, but one thing you might consider get the video game for the wii…