JenMaselli Member


  • Recently I had a lunch that consisted of a Ho Ho and girl scout cookies. And I came in under my calorie goal for the day. Haters gonna hate.
  • I tend to eat lighter at breakfast and lunch to leave some cals for dinner. Then, since I'm eating a heavier dinner I'm pretty full at the end of the day so I may have another 50-100 calories (usually in ghirardelli dark squares) and then I'm generally under a bit at the end. Exercise calories definitely help me to have a…
  • Stevia and original CoffeeMate
  • This isn't something anyone else can help you with without knowing your height/weight and goal. Even then, it varies. Use this site the way it's designed, enter your information and weight goal and how quickly you want to lose and it will give you a daily calorie goal. You can decide where to break up your calories from…
  • So the guy posting above me has a ton of information! I am not a medical professional of any sort, but it sounds like you've strained some of the ligaments in your knee. Again, have your doc take a look and advise. I would rest it until the pain is better and get fitted for shoes and perhaps orthotics. Probably your gait…
  • It's really common to have knee pain when you first start running or if you run slowly. My knees hurt when I first started 5 years ago but it quickly resolved with ice and I just ran through it. But if it's that painful I would definitely see a doctor and make sure you haven't torn anything. If everything is ok make sure…
  • You're already on MFP. My advice is to use it for what it's meant for - track your calories at a reasonable deficit. You will lose weight. The end. It really doesn't matter what you eat as long as you're hitting your target calories. I never weigh right before or during my period - it's going to be higher than normal so I…
  • You're off to a good start. It's not a myth, track accurately and it will work.
  • Ghirardelli squares. Sea Salt Soiree and Cherry Tango are 50 cals per square and they are super good. I usually eat one or two at bedtime. Also, a Tbsp of Nutella is 100 calories. Straight out of the jar or spread on an eggo for breakfast - really helps curb that need for chocolate. Fudgsicles. Lots of stuff out there to…
  • Yep.
    in Bread Comment by JenMaselli March 2015
  • I lost 30 pounds on 1200 per day and I'm 5'3". It can be done - it does take a couple of weeks for your body to adjust to eating only 1200. You can power through and get past it. Eventually you won't feel as hungry all the time. THAT BEING SAID - I don't recommend doing 1200. I gained back about 10 pounds last year and I'm…
  • I do have a kitchen scale and I weigh out a lot of the food that I eat. But no, I don't stress over a couple of grams here or there and I lost 30 lbs doing it this way. That is just ME, I wouldn't suggest that anyone else do it my way, but I have to have a balance between keeping myself at the weight I want and driving…
  • Makes sense. The difference of a few grams isn't something I would stress about, but I can understand why someone would weigh it out versus measuring in a cup.
  • Why would measuring out a cup of dry cereal be wrong? If the serving size listed is 3/4 of a cup or 1 cup or whatever, why would it be more accurate to weigh it? I use measuring cups for this type of thing. I do weigh fruit and log it in ounces.
  • Why would measuring out a cup of dry cereal be wrong? If the serving size listed is 3/4 of a cup or 1 cup or whatever, why would it be more accurate to weigh it? I use measuring cups for this type of thing. I do weigh fruit and log it in ounces.
  • Thank you! I'm reading this thread like WUT?
  • Someone above posted a link to the USDA website, which is a very accurate source. They list Salmon, Pink, Dry Cooked as 43 calories per ounce. My advice would be to cook it first, then weigh your portion to see how many cooked ounces you are eating and use the USDA data to log. I was very confused about logging meat at…
  • A friend of mine uses Peloton and says she loves it.
  • I absolutely cannot believe how rude people are in this thread. OP simply asked for online workout recs. If you don't have a recommendation to give then don't post anything. Jesus H. Effing Christ on a cracker.
  • Yep. If you're not losing weight after a few weeks, you can eat fewer calories, but that's not going to happen at your height with those calories.
  • @tufel‌ Did you find your Altra's locally or did you order them online? I'm in the Sac area also and would love to try them on in person because I've heard they run super small. Otherwise it will be back and forth with Amazon until I get the size right.
    in Feet Comment by JenMaselli February 2015
  • Very true but the OP won't know until she tries it. It works for a lot of people. But you are right - I can't do Gu, they make me sick. Everyone is different.
  • Winter in Maine! Yikes, I'm barely surviving winter in California. :)
    in Feet Comment by JenMaselli February 2015
  • Get some Nuun! Drink it before during and after. It should help! I drink it the night before a longer run and then during and after. It has helped my GI issues tremendously.
  • @lishie_rebooted‌ Hey I made it over here! I have HORRIBLE toes. They make it hard to find the right shoes and I'm to the point where I almost can't wear any real shoes at all (flip flops and runners are the only shoes that don't hurt my toes). I can't help with the bone issue but Injinji socks changed my life as far as…
    in Feet Comment by JenMaselli February 2015
  • @Jackie0Marie‌ Nike Free's gave me terrible shin splints, they are basically a chronic condition for me now. Would give anything to go back and not run in those shoes. Have also been warned off of Nike by a podiatrist and Ortho doc.
  • @lishie_rebooted‌ Thanks!
  • I'm 5'3" and at 1450 calories per day, I lose weight. If you're truly, TRULY, measuring, weighing and counting everything and you are consistently at that few calories and not losing weight, you should see a doctor. Maybe it's a hormone issue. Otherwise I would have to believe that you aren't tracking honestly.
  • I keep trying different brands but always end up in Brooks. Right now I like Ravenna, it has cushion but also stability. Like someone else noted above, I had toe problems in the Ghost. I need to check out Mizuno after seeing all the love on here. I have running friends who are raving about Altra. Has anyone tried them?