your so amazing :) im glad your my best friend!
never a more true statement
i thought of mentioning this but decided against it...thanks for posting :)
finally someone with my thoughts..... no wonder were good friends!! is she affecting your life? im sure she doesnt give a rats *** about your negativity....and i love how supportive your being....
I MET HIM! AND HAVE HIS AUTOGRAPH! EDIT to continue my dreams? a stripper..... LOGISTICALLY....a teacher
:O !!!! from where?!?!
not implying anything by being devils advocate....but how do you know his wife doesnt know he is? and that she isnt ok with it? they may be in a open relationship? who are you to judge and put him on blast because of that?
one word: DIABEETUS
bacon already IS the goal :)
OU OU!! EVER HEARD OF CHOC COVERED BACON?!?! new recipe!! fry bacon up crispy then "Bread" it with chocolate Protein Shake Mix!!!
EXCEPT at the Bunny Ranch in Arizona....they have mandated checks and its legal :)
im married but...... MARRY ME?
SECRETS to success!
is it the DETOX water from colorado marketed from Dr. OZ?
YOU win the internets
did you get some this time?
i saw!!! everyone add me! jodfie @ gmail . com
everyone add me!!(email removed by staff)
very well said!!
wowwww good ol cairo! lol
try looking into barefoot/minimalistic running shoes...5 fingers and new balance forewarned you have to learn a new way to run...but much healthier and better for you
its early morning...we rotate shfits every 5 a 911 im tethered to within 5 ft of my desk,,,unless i get coverage to get up for a break...
i listen to the "work out genre" statons on pandora...
no one? :(
i was told this by a friend from colorado he said "every chick in colorado is athletic build and HOT!" lol