

  • SW: 168.0 CW: 162.5 GW: 152 Well I made some progress to meeting my loose 10% by 1/1/13 goal. I worked out and I tracked every day. That's been the best. And I got my boyfriend in to do it as well which has totally helped me stay good. We can do this! I actually feel motivated to keep this going. Week 2 here we come!
  • Hi all. I'm new to this website, but not to this game. Lord knows I've been struggling ever since I can remember. And any support would be most helpful. I'm feeling just not 100% these days and I know I can do it, I just need support not the constant stream of negative voices (mainly my mother's) clouding my head. So if…
  • I'm coming into this challenge a bit late, but I'll try it for the week ahead. I started on Tuesday of last week so I'm one week in and weighed in today. Good news to report - down 5 lbs! Then I thought how funny it was that time flies when you're having fun, but when it comes to tracking your weight, it seems to go so…
  • Ok, here we go! As of Monday I was at 168. Losing 25lbs would put me at 143! I can't remember the last time I saw this number. Here's to starting 2013 off right!
    in rules Comment by steller21 November 2012