

  • It seems like there have been two recent posts on /r/loseit looking for more MFP friends. I just think this group itself has little activity.
  • I came here from the recent post on /r/loseit and think this is a great idea. I am recently lacking motivation and would love to have friends from reddit on here. So feel free to add me.
  • I would love e-friends to help motivate one another! As someone who has already lost 122 pounds, I hope I can be an inspiration to those just starting out. I would also love to meet others who have kept off the pounds for years, those looking to lose the last 20 pounds, and those looking to increase their fitness level via…
  • I know this sounds extreme but I want to be 107.8. Since I am 5'4", it will place me at a BMI of 18.5. I know BMI is not a indicator of fitness for individuals and I shouldn't care about a number on the scale but I am so close to my previous goal weight and I still hate the way my body looks. That is why losing 19 more…