

  • Try preparing several snacks! For instance have some carrots, blackberries, mix nuts, and celery on hand. These foods are very filling and healthy. I take carrot sticks, some type of berries and (1) pickle in addition to my healthy lunch for those breakthrough hunger pains and it works.
  • Hello Everyone! I'm so wanting to take care of myself and just get back to my most healthiest. I'm a Nurse, Wife and mother therefore the majority of my time goes to taking care of everyone else and little time for me. However I'm so desperately wanting to feel good about myself. Its very difficult to stay motivated at…
  • OMG! You sound so like me, hang in there, once those pounds start coming off it will keep you motivated. I just started having more of a high protein and low carb diet and added exercising at least 2x per week.
  • Hi I'm Tosha and I'm new to the site also and I can sure use to friends that are going through the battle of weight loss..