hebnix Member


  • I'm up for it... Never been a part of it, but then again never tried to lose this much before. It's just kept creeping up and now it's time... I need to be healthier for my family and my own self esteem. Tired of being tired.
  • Looking for this info too.... Can't believe that Resistance bands are not listed, and then selectable by color or brand.... I have them listed as calisthenics currently as well, but I'm wondering....... Do we burn calories while doing strength training... It doesn't seem to list any for me... I will admit, my weights are…
  • So when you do cardio do you need to set a timer on Fitbit to tell it that was your start and stop time for that day? Also, when you do strength training (home gym) do you log that time in as well? And do you record those in MFP or through Fitbit... I understand that food intake I log into MFP, but I am thinking excersize…